Mark Green to Introduce SOS ACT to Prevent Chinese-State Acquisition of Companies Affecting U.S. National Security


U.S. Rep. Mark Green (R-TN-07) this week will introduce the SOS ACT (Secure Our Systems Against China’s Tactics).

If enacted into law, Green said his SOS ACT will incentivize America’s investors to purchase distressed companies critical to America’s national security, according to a press release.

Green is calling on Congress to include this bill in any future coronavirus relief package to thwart China’s efforts to strategically acquire companies critical to America’s defense during the crisis, the press release said.

“China is looking to take advantage of the coronavirus crisis and gobble up distressed companies that are vital to our national defense while they are economically vulnerable and looking for capital. We cannot let this happen. The businesses that supply the equipment, systems, and technologies for our military to operate are essential to a strong America. Without a fully-armed supply chain, we will be vulnerable to attack and at a comparative disadvantage with China,” Green said.

“That’s why I’m introducing the SOS ACT to stop this Chinese-state run attack on our supply chain. My bill will set aside $10 billion from the CARES Act to incentivize America’s investors to invest their capital in vulnerable companies that are critical to our national security. Investors would have investment guarantees, providing them with additional incentives to ameliorate risk and keep our defense supply chain strong. We must protect our Nation from China’s predatory actions. My bill will not require new funding but will simply reallocate existing funding, making it an easy addition to any relief package.”

As The Tennessee Star reported this month, Green sent a letter to Congressional leadership urging them to include incentives for American companies to move back from China.

Specifically, Green said in the letter that members of Congress should do this through any upcoming legislation they might consider while fighting COVID-19.

“Prior to the coronavirus outbreak, many American companies had moved their operations to the People’s Republic of China (PRC), lured by incentives like lower costs and an abundance of cheap labor. However, over the past three years, the Trump Administration and U.S. Congress have gone to great lengths to make the United States the best place in the world to do business. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act slashed taxes, the President’s energy agenda has led to cheaper utilities, and right-to-work laws have made many states more attractive,” Green said in the letter.

“One of the big disincentives to American companies moving back to our soil is the cost. For many, it is too expensive and too risky to undertake an international move at a time of global economic uncertainty. However, as millions of Americans file for unemployment each week, and as we’ve been forced to make our own homemade masks out of scarves and bandanas, we need to bring our companies home.”

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].







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6 Thoughts to “Mark Green to Introduce SOS ACT to Prevent Chinese-State Acquisition of Companies Affecting U.S. National Security”

  1. Horatio Bunce

    How about something to protect us from the coming forced vaccinations for the Gates Plague?

    1. Subpoena Dr. William Thompson and investigate CDC fraud.
    2. Repeal the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. Make vaccine manufacturers liable for the damages they cause instead of holding the secret vaccine courts controlled by DOJ, administered by lottery and fully funded by taxpayers. Gates/Merck/Pfizer/Baxter/GSK can afford it.
    3. Classify all vaccines as pharmaceuticals and require them to be tested accordingly.

    The CDC lies about the skyrocketing autism rates immediately following the MMR vaccine, big pharma pulled the individual vaccines, fake news supports them year in year out with BS measles outbreak stories while ignoring millions of autism cases. These people are evil. The Gates Plague vaccine simply cannot be trusted.

  2. Jim

    Yeah, next move, “nationalize” any businesses that were bought by the ChiComs, and give them a taste of their own medicine. And if we really want to pi$$ ’em off, how about throwing every university student from China out, but back fill them with students from Taiwan.

  3. Cannoneer2

    Good legislation. Way to go, Rep. Green!

  4. Julie

    What would we do without reps like this? Democrats would be chasing green new deals and election reform bills while countries like China continue to take advantage of us.

  5. Kevin

    Great idea! Additionally, we should look at why some of these companies are in “distress”.

    The fact is, that many US companies struggle to compete against products made in countries with cheap labor, lower taxes and less restrictive regulations! Our governments, at all levels, could instantly eliminate two of the three impediments, and make many US products competitive again!

    But we citizens can absolutely make an impact too, minimizing the consumption of CCP manufactured products.

  6. Good move! We need to stop all Foreign Countries and Corporations from purchasing any and all Industries and interests affecting our National, economic , Food and Energy Security including our infrastructure. GW Bush had People in foreign countries giving lessons on how to buy American Interstates and so forth. A large number of Rental and Real Estate along our Florida and Gulf and Atlantic coast public buildings Farmlands etc were bought up in the Globalist idea of destruction of an America under GW Bush. Investing in America means buying up income producing America, redistribute America’s wealth but somehow people were asleep and let it happen. And now China is in control of our Food Supply our Food Security. Americans said no the Republic said no but Washington Monopolists/Globalist China First Wall Street said bug off.
